Text från läsare
Ska snart dra mig mot sägen.. om nån timme eller så. Innan det vill jag bara säga att ni fortfarande kan skicka in bilder och texter osv. till oss på vår bloggmail [email protected], vi brukar vara inloggade på den msn:en ibland så om ni vill adda oss och snacka nångång så är det helt okej :) Glöm inte bloglovin' knappen heller, har gjort en ny knapp i menyn om ni rullar ner lite ;)
Lägger upp en text från en bloggläsare, en text från henne till Michael <3
I'm sorry for everything bad that you went thru. I really am.. I'm sad that I didn't get to see you in person,i was going to go to your concert in july..but then you went to the other side.to God.
And i belive that you are truly happy right now, that the only place you really could be happy in was heaven. and even though we can't see you right now,that doesn't mean that you aren't among us.watching over us.. loving us..I know you are.
thank you for everything.
And I hope the world will honour your memory by becoming a better place... I will try to do everything I can to honour you untill the day i'll come to heaven and meet you face to face.
I send all my love to you, and I pray for your kids every day,that they will be ok.
And to me you werent just the king of pop, you were a great man that gave and gave even though he was hurting inside and outside.
And there will never ever be anyone like you, maybe there will come a new great artist but you were truly one of a kind and.No one can copy your style ever..just so you know.
I love u and bye for now, I'll see you in heaven / Stephanie
Lägger upp en text från en bloggläsare, en text från henne till Michael <3
I'm sorry for everything bad that you went thru. I really am.. I'm sad that I didn't get to see you in person,i was going to go to your concert in july..but then you went to the other side.to God.
And i belive that you are truly happy right now, that the only place you really could be happy in was heaven. and even though we can't see you right now,that doesn't mean that you aren't among us.watching over us.. loving us..I know you are.
thank you for everything.
And I hope the world will honour your memory by becoming a better place... I will try to do everything I can to honour you untill the day i'll come to heaven and meet you face to face.
I send all my love to you, and I pray for your kids every day,that they will be ok.
And to me you werent just the king of pop, you were a great man that gave and gave even though he was hurting inside and outside.
And there will never ever be anyone like you, maybe there will come a new great artist but you were truly one of a kind and.No one can copy your style ever..just so you know.
I love u and bye for now, I'll see you in heaven / Stephanie
Postat av: elise
ja jag tycker hans låtar är jättebra:)
Er blogg är verkligen jättefin:)
Postat av: Miriam
sv: tack så mycket :) nej det har jag inte. A jag tycker oxå mer om Rihanna (klädstilen och musikstilen), men hon är inte speciellt duktig på att sjunga dock.. :P nice blogg ni har! :D
Postat av: Jan Johansson
Det tackar jag för.
Ja, det är en mysig liten båt.
Postat av: Anonym
Postat av: E
Gud va fint skrivet!
Jag bara undrar om ni kommer uppdatera massor från Plattan på lördag ? Kanske videos och sånt ?
Postat av: Anonym
hej, ja tänkte på eran blogg sin fick jag en jätte bra idé! eftersom bloggen är bara till m.j och så.
så tycker jag ni borde lägga upp in iPod med alla hans låtar! skulle vara mysigt :)
Postat av: JENNIFER
Grattis, du är med i veckans blogg! :D
Postat av: Therese
Gud vad fint skrivet, blir ledsen =(
Postat av: alicia
Va fint ;/ <3
vilken tid är det man ska vara i plattan på lördag? <3